Self Handbook v2 for Self 4.4 documentation




                ... collection hierarchy ...

Collections are containers that hold zero or more other objects. In Self, collections behave as if they have a key associated with each value in the collection. Collections without an obvious key, such as lists, use each element as both key and value. Iterations over collections always pass both the value and the key of each element (in that order) to the iteration block. Since Self blocks ignore extra arguments, this allows applications that don’t care about keys to simply provide a block that takes only one argument.

Collections have a rich protocol. Additions are made with at:Put:, or with add: or addAll: for implicitly keyed collections. Iteration can be done with do: or with variations that allow the programmer to specify special handling of the first and/or last element. with:Do: allows pairwise iteration through two collections. The includes:, occurrencesOf:, and findFirst: IfPresent:IfAbsent: messages test for the presence of particular values in the collection. filterBy:Into: creates a new collection including only those elements that satisfy a predicate block, while mapBy:Into: creates a new collection whose elements are the result of applying the argument block to each element of the original collection.

Abstract collection behavior is defined in traits collection. Only a small handful of operations need be implemented to create a new type of collection; the rest can be inherited from traits collection. (See the descendantResponsibility slot of traits collection.) The following sections discuss various kinds of collection in more detail.

Modules: collection (abstract collection behavior)

Indexable Collections

                                ...the string hierarchy

Indexable collections allow random access to their elements via keys that are integers. All sequences and vectors are indexable. The message at: is used to retrieve an element of an indexable collection while at:Put: is used to update an element of a mutableIndexable collection (other than a sortedSequence).

Modules: indexable, abstractString, vector, sequence, sortedSequence

Strings, Characters, and Paragraphs


A string is a vector whose elements are character objects. There are three kinds of concrete string: immutable strings, mutable strings and canonical strings. traits string defines the behavior shared by all strings. A character is a string of length one that references itself in its sole indexable slot.

Mutable strings can be changed using the message at:Put:, which takes a character argument, or at:PutByte:, which takes an integer argument. An immutable string cannot be modified, but sending it the copyMutable message returns a mutable string containing the same characters.

Canonical strings are registered in an table inside the virtual machine, like Symbol objects in Smalltalk or atoms in LISP. The VM guarantees that there is at most one canonical string for any given sequence of bytes, so two canonical strings are equal (have the same contents) if and only if they are identical (are the same object). This allows efficient equality checks between canonical strings. All message selectors and string literals are canonical strings, and some primitives require canonical strings as arguments. Sending canonicalize to any string returns the corresponding canonical string.

Character objects behave like immutable strings of length one. There are 256 well-known character objects in the Self universe. They are stored in a 256-element vector named ascii, with each character stored at the location corresponding to its ASCII value. Characters respond to the message asByte by returning their ASCII value (that is, their index in ascii). The inverse of asByte, asCharacter, can be sent to an integer between 0 and 255 to obtain the corresponding character object.

Module: string

Unordered Sets and Dictionaries


There are two implementations of sets and dictionaries in the system. The one described in this section is based on hash tables. The one discussed in the following section is based on sorted binary trees. The hash table implementation has better performance over a wide range of conditions. (An unfortunate ordering of element addtions can cause the unbalanced trees used in the tree version to degenerate into an ordered lists, resulting in linear access times.)

A set behaves like a mathematical set. It contains elements without duplication in no particular order. A dictionary implements a mapping from keys to values, where both keys and values are arbitrary objects. Dictionaries implement the usual collection behavior plus keyed access using at: and at:Put: and the dictionary-specific operations includesKey: and removeKey:. In order to store an object in a set or use it as a dictionary key, the object must understand the messages hash and =, the latter applying to any pair of items in the collection. This is because sets and dictionaries are implemented as hash tables.

Derived from set and dictionary are sharedSet and sharedDictionary. These provide locking to maintain internal consistency in the presence of concurrency.

Modules: setAndDictionary, sharedSetAndDictionary

Tree-Based Sets and Dictionaries

                treeNodes abstract
                        treeNodes bag
                        treeNodes set
                emptyTrees abstract
                        emptyTrees bag
                        emptyTrees set

treeSet and treeBag implement sorted collections using binary trees. The set variant ignores duplicates, while the bag variant does not. Tree sets and bags allow both explicit and implicit keys (that is, adding elements can be done with either at:Put: or add:), where a tree set that uses explicit keys behaves like a dictionary. Sorting is done on explicit keys if present, values otherwise, and the objects sorted must be mutually comparable. Comparisons between keys are made using compare:IfLess:Equal:Greater:.

The implementation of trees uses dynamic inheritance to distinguish the differing behavior of empty and non-empty subtrees. The prototype treeSet represents an empty (sub)tree; when an element is added to it, its parent is switched from traits emptyTrees set, which holds behavior for empty (sub)trees, to a new copy of treeSetNode, which represents a tree node holding an element. Thus, the treeSet object now behaves as a treeSetNode object, with right and left subtrees (initially copies of the empty subtree treeSet). Dynamic inheritance allows one object to behave modally without using clumsy if-tests throughout every method.

One caveat: since these trees are not balanced, they can degenerate into lists if their elements are added in sorted order. However, a more complex tree data structure might obscure the main point of this implementation: to provide a canonical example of the use of dynamic inheritance.

Modules: tree

Lists and PriorityQueues


A list is an unkeyed, circular, doubly-linked list of objects. Additions and removals at either end are efficient, but removing an object in the middle is less so, as a linear search is involved.

A priorityQueue is an unkeyed, unordered collection with the property that the element with the highest priority is always at the front of the queue. Priority queues are useful for sorting (heapsort) and scheduling. The default comparison uses <, but this can be changed.

Modules: list. priorityQueue

Constructing and Concatenating Collections


Two kinds of objects play supporting roles for collections. A collector object is created using the & operator (inherited from defaultBehavior), and represents a collection under construction. The & operator provides a concise syntax for constructing small collections. For example:

(1 & ’abc’ & x) asList

constructs a list containing an integer, a string, and the object x. A collector object is not itself a collection; it is converted into one using a conversion message such as asList, asVector, or asString.

Modules: collector
