Self Handbook v2 for Self 4.4 documentation

Useful Selectors

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Useful Selectors

This is a list of selectors which Selfers should find useful as a starting point.


clone shallow copy (for use within an object; clients should use copy)
copy copy the receiver, possibly with embedded copies or initialization



= equal
!= not equal
hash hash value
== identical (the same object; this is reflective and should be avoided)
!== not identical


< less than
> greater than
<= less than or equal
>= greater than or equal
compare: IfLess: Equal: Greater: three way comparison
compare: IfLess: Equal: Greater: Incomparable: three way comparison with failure

Numeric operations

+ add
- subtract
* multiply
/ divide
/= divide exactly (returns float)
/~ divide and round to integer (tends to round up)
/+ divide and round up to integer
/-% divide and round down to integer modulus
absoluteValue absolute value
inverse multiplicative inverse
negate additive inverse
ceil round towards positive infinity
floor round towards negative infinity
truncate truncate towards zero
round round
asFloat coerce to float
asInteger coerce to integer
double multiply by two
quadruple multiply by four
half divide by two
quarter divide by four
min: minimum of receiver and argument
max: maximum of receiver and argument
mean: mean of receiver and argument
pred predecessor
predecessor predecessor
succ successor
successor successor
power: raise receiver to integer power
log: logarithm of argument base receiver, rounded down to integer
square square
squareRoot square root
factorial factorial
fibonacci fibonacci
sign signum (-1, 0, 1)
even true if receiver is even
odd true if receiver is odd

Bitwise operations (integers)

&& and
|| or
^^ xor
complement bitwise complement
<< logical left shift
>> logical right shift
<+ arithmetic left shift
+> arithmetic right shift

Logical operations (booleans)

&& and
|| or
^^ xor
not logical complement


@ point construction (receiver and argument are integers)
# rectangle construction (receiver and argument are points)
## rectangle construction (receiver is a point, argument is an extent)
& collection construction (result can be converted into collection)
, concatenation


print print object on stdout
printLine print object on stdout with trailing newline
printString return a string label
printStringDepth: return a string label with depth limitation request
printStringSize: return a string label with number of characters limitation request
printStringSize: Depth: return a string label with depth and size limitation request


Block evaluation

value[: {With: }] evaluate a block, passing arguments


ifTrue: evaluate argument if receiver is true
ifFalse: evaluate argument if receiver is false
ifTrue: False: evaluate first arg if true, second arg if false
ifFalse: True: evaluate first arg if false, second arg if true

Local exiting

exit exit block and return nil if block’s argument is evaluated
exitValue exit block and return a value if block’s argument is evaluated

Basic looping

loop repeat the block forever
loopExit repeat the block until argument is evaluated; then exit and return nil
loopExitValue repeat the block until argument is evaluated; then exit and return a value

Pre-test looping

whileTrue repeat the receiver until it evaluates to true
whileFalse repeat the receiver until it evaluates to false
whileTrue: repeat the receiver and argument until receiver evaluates to true
whileFalse: repeat the receiver and argument until receiver evaluates to false

Post-test looping

untilTrue: repeat the receiver and argument until argument evaluates to true
untilFalse: repeat the receiver and argument until argument evaluates to false


do: iterate, passing each element to the argument block
to: By: Do: iterate, with stepping
to: Do: iterate forward
upTo: By: Do: iterate forward, without last element, with stepping
upTo: Do: iterate forward, without last element
downTo: By: Do: reverse iterate, with stepping
downTo: Do: reverse iterate



isEmpty test if collection is empty
size return number of elements in collection


add: add argument element to collection receiver
addAll: add all elements of argument to receiver
at: Put: add key-value pair
at: Put: IfAbsent: add key-value pair, evaluating block if key is absent
addFirst: add element to head of list
addLast: add element to tail of list
copyAddAll: return a copy containing the elements of both receiver and argument
copyContaining: return a copy containing only the elements of the argument


remove: remove the given element
remove: IfAbsent: remove the given element, evaluating block if absent
removeAll remove all elements
removeFirst remove first element from list
removeLast remove last element from list
removeAllOccurences: remove all occurrences of this element from list
removeKey: remove element at the given key
removeKey: IfAbsent: remove element at the given key, evaluating block if absent
copyRemoveAll return an empty copy


first return the first element
last return the last element
includes: test if element is member of the collection
occurrencesOf: return number of occurences of element in collection
findFirst: IfPresent: IfAbsent: evaluate present block on first element found satisfying criteria, absent block if no such element
at: return element at the given key
at: IfAbsent: return element at the given key, evaluating block if absent
includesKey: test if collection contains a given key


do: iterate, passing each element to argument block
doFirst: Middle: Last: IfEmpty: iterate, with special behavior for first and last
doFirst: MiddleLast: IfEmpty: iterate, with special behavior for first
doFirstLast: Middle: IfEmpty: iterate, with special behavior for ends
doFirstMiddle: Last: IfEmpty: iterate, with special behavior for last
reverseDo: iterate backwards through list
with: Do: co-iterate, passing corresponding elements to block


max return maximum element
mean return mean of elements
min return minimum element
sum return sum of elements
product return product of elements
reduceWith: evaluate reduction block with elements
reduceWith: IfEmpty: evaluate reduction block with elements, evaluating block if empty


asByteVector return a byte vector with same elements
asString return a string with same elements
asVector return a vector with same elements
asList return a list with the same elements
filterBy: Into: add elements that satisfy filter block to a collection
mapBy: add result of evaluating map block with each element to this collection
mapBy: Into: add result of evaluating map block with each element to a collection


sort sort receiver in place
copySorted copy sorted in ascending order
copyReverseSorted copy sorted in descending order
copySortedBy: copy sorted by custom sort criteria
sortedDo: iterate in ascending order
reverseSortedDo: iterate in descending order
sortedBy: Do: iterate in order of custom sort criteria


firstKey return the first key
lastKey return the last key
loopFrom: Do: circularly iterate, starting from element n
copyAddFirst: return a copy of this collection with element added to beginning
copyAddLast: return a copy of this collection with element added to end
copyFrom: return a copy of this collection from element n
copyFrom: UpTo: return a copy of this collection from element n up to element m
copyWithoutLast return a copy of this collection without the last element
copySize: copy with size n
copySize: FillingWith: copy with size n, filling in any extra elements with second arg


realTime elapsed real time to execute a block
cpuTime CPU time to execute a block
userTime CPU time in user process to execute a block
systemTime CPU time in system kernel to execute a block
totalTime system + user time to execute a block

Message Sending

Sending (like Smalltalk perform; receiver is a string)

sendTo: {With: } send receiver string as a message
sendTo: WithArguments: indirect send with arguments in a vector
sendTo: DelegatingTo: {With: } indirect delegated send
sendTo: DelegatingTo: WithArguments: indirect delegated send with arg vector
resendTo: {With: } indirect resend
resendTo: WithArguments: indirect resend with arguments in a vector

Message object protocol

send perform the send described by a message object
fork start a new process; the new process performs the message
receiver: set receiver
selector: set selector
methodHolder: set method holder
delegatee: set delegatee of the message object
arguments: set arguments (packaged in a vector)
receiver: Selector: set receiver and selector
receiver: Selector: Arguments: set receiver, selector, and arguments
receiver: Selector: Type: Delegatee: MethodHolder: Arguments: set all components

Reflection (mirrors)

reflect: returns a mirror on the argument
reflectee returns the object the mirror receiver reflects
contentsAt: returns a mirror on the contents of slot n
isAssignableAt: tests if slot n is an assignable slot
isParentAt: tests if slot n is a parent slot
isArgumentAt: tests if slot n is an argument slot
parentPriorityAt: returns the parent priority of slot n
slotAt: returns a slot object representing slot n
contentsAt: returns the contents of the slot named n
visibilityAt: returns a visibility object representing visibility of slot n

System-wide Enumerations (messages sent to the oddball object browse)

all[Limit: ] returns a vector of mirrors on all objects in the system (up to the limit)
referencesOf: [Limit: ] returns a vector of mirrors on all objects referring to arg (up to the limit)
referencesOfReflectee: [Limit: ] returns a vector of mirrors on all objects referring to argument’s reflectee (up to the limit); allows one to find references to a method
childrenOf: [Limit: ] returns a vector of mirrors on all objects with a parent slot referring to the given object (up to the limit)
implementorsOf: [Limit: ] returns a vector of mirrors on objects with slots whose names match the given selector (up to the limit)
sendersOf: [Limit: ] returns a vector of mirrors on methods whose selectors match the given selector (up to the limit)


halt halt the current process
halt: halt and print a message string
error: halt, print an error message, and display the stack
warning: beep, print a warning message, and continue

Virtual Machine-Generated


undefinedSelector: Type: Delegatee: MethodHolder: Arguments: lookup found no matching slot
ambiguousSelector: Type: Delegatee: MethodHolder: Arguments: lookup found more than one matching slot
missingParentSelector: Type: Delegatee: MethodHolder: Arguments: parent slot through which resend was delegated was not found
performTypeErrorSelector: Type: Delegatee: MethodHolder: Arguments: first argument to the _Perform primitive was not a canonical string
mismatchedArgumentCountSelector: Type: Delegatee: MethodHolder: Arguments: number of args supplied to _Perform primitive does not match selector
primitiveFailedError: Name: the named primitive failed with given error string

Other system-triggered messages

postRead slot to evaluate after reading a snapshot

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